About Us

Emily White lives in NY, wedged between two of the Great Lakes and a few feet of snow and ice.  She's spent most of her life running away from the cold, and even spent a year in Iraq, but now contents herself with writing her characters into warm, exotic places in faraway galaxies.  When not tapping away at her computer keys, she can be found reading, reading, and reading some more.  And when she's not doing that, she's usually playing video games with her husband, peek-a-boo with her kids, or walking through her garden, wondering why the bugs insist on eating all her vegetables.  Emily's debut YA Sci-fi novel, ELEMENTAL (Spencer Hill Press in 2012) is now available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Spencer Hill's Website.

vic caswell lives in nowheresville, kansas with her three sons, two dogs, two cats, and one cuddly crazy hubby. she owns Sketcher Girl Studios, a freelance illustration company with a focus on book cover art, and also works in a hospital cafeteria (to bring home the bacon *rim shot*).  she writes stories, too, but is still trying to shine something to query-worthy cleanliness.  and as far as home life and cleanliness she is the oscar to emily's felix.

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a blast! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And they are two of the coolest cats in the multiverse.